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Automat nakładający klej poliuretanowy ANKP jest to urządzenie do pasmowego nakładania kleju poliuretanowego na deskę w procesie układania stosu do klejenia.

The DABA type varnish glazer is meant for glazing plates with nitrocellulose, polyester, water, and pigmented varnishes. The glazer can be installed in a varnishing-drying line or it can be plugged into a socket.

The DALB-60 type one-headed varnish glazer is meant for glazing flat elements with nitrocellulose, polyurethane, water, and pigmented varnishes.

Brushing mills are designed for the two-sided cleaning of plate elements from dirt and dust.

The brushing-sanding machine is designed for the four sided passing sanding and dusting of the wooden surfaces of sills and window frames.

The brushing-sanding machine is designed for the four sided passing sanding and dusting of wooden elements; for example, after profile milling or veneering.

The brushing-sanding machine is designed for the four sided passing sanding and dusting of wooden elements; for example, after profile milling or veneering. It is equipped with TRANSACTOR work heads with a construction making the quick replacement of individual sanding/polishing segments possible

The DKRC furniture assembly clamp is designed for the assembly of glued furniture elements. The body is welded from steel sections which ensure the machine’s stiffness.